HorsePower Brands and Blingle are prime examples of how effective support from a franchisor can provide a strong base for franchisees to establish and grow their businesses, fulfilling their entrepreneurial aspirations. Since becoming a Blingle franchisee in 2022, Alex Quaetaert recently discussed his experience, highlighting the exceptional training and support provided by the Blingle corporate team that helped steer him to success.
The Path to Entrepreneurship
Before becoming a franchisee, Alex had a career in the military. He started at West Point when he was 17 and was fully committed to the Army. After graduating, Alex became an infantry officer, qualified as an Airborne Ranger, and led a platoon of 50 in Afghanistan and roughly 150 in Syria.
During his time in the military, Alex realized his life was predominantly focused on the Army, which made him think about redirecting his leadership abilities. “I think many people come to a point in their life where they realize that they no longer want to work for someone else or no longer want to continue on their current path,” Alex states.
Alex was highly motivated and had extensive leadership experience. However, he knew that setting up a business on his own would be a challenge without the experience of running a business or having a network or structure. To overcome this obstacle, Alex explored the franchise route.
The Value of Blingle
Not long into his search, Alex was introduced to Blingle by a franchise advisor that specializes in helping match veterans with a franchise system. “I was lucky; my franchise consultant thought HorsePower was the perfect fit for me, and he was right,” Alex states. “I immediately knew that this was precisely what I was looking for.”
The corporate team’s potential value at Blingle and HorsePower impressed Alex the most. “They never made any projections or mentioned the numbers, but when I started looking at the initial documents and digging into their business model, I saw so much potential.”

A Path to Build His Business
Blingle and HorsePower Brands deliver comprehensive training and ongoing support to franchisees from the beginning of their journeys. “The institutional knowledge that you get while joining a HorsePower team is something that would take years to develop on your own,” Alex states. “It’s hard to communicate just how involved HorsePower is. Josh Skolnick, the founder of HorsePower Brands, calls each Blingle franchisee to check-in and see what he can do to help us out.”
While HorsePower Brands lays the groundwork, a franchise’s growth and success depend on the franchisee’s commitment to building and running the business. Alex’s entrepreneurial spirit and dedication serve as catalysts for his location’s success. “It’s a partnership where both sides thrive,” Alex asserts. “HorsePower has been doing everything they can to help me, but they’re not going to run it for me.”
Community Impact and Entrepreneurial Spirit
Beyond business operations, Blingle’s impact on the community and the satisfaction it brings to customers are testaments to the brand’s value. Alex’s location contributes to local communities, improving people’s lives and giving them moments they will always treasure. “I think this franchise provides an unparalleled opportunity to interact with and contribute to a community,” he states. “Seeing people’s reactions when we switch on the lights is so cool. They sometimes bring people and kids across the street, and those things are really inspiring.
“I spent two Christmases at war, and that was among the most intense moments of group bonding in my life. I want to help create that feeling in the US- by making a community proud of how it looks for the holidays or helping a father spend more time with his family and less time outside hanging lights; that’s something I can get behind.”
Franchising with Blingle gives you the foundation to embark on a fulfilling and rewarding business journey. Contact Blingle today to learn more about how you can start a location in your area.